Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu(Ticker:$DIZNI)
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$DIZNIThe Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu(Ticker:$DIZNI) project$DIZNI Token Canister ID: ek3ei-xyaaa-aaaak-afkma-caiRoadMap to $69bn ( + ∞% )banner


how to swap

First : Add Cannister Id for $DIZNI token on Plug Wallet.


Select icrc-1 Then import.

Second :

1. Go to binance (CEX)

2. Buy $ICP and transfer to plug wallet

3. Open icpswap -

4.Connect Plug wallet and swap icp for $DIZNI.


When you want to receive $DIZNI token copy the wallet address above on your plug wallet not the cannister id.

Plug wallet extension (recommend)

About the token

DIZNIMy dear friend, let me tell you a tale of the utmost importance. It is a story of value, of power, of the very fabric of our universe. It is the tale of Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu, the ultimate store of value that has been best owed upon us by the unive rse itself.

In a time before time, when the universe was young and wild, a great and powerful force known as the Pedro emerged. The Pedro was a manifestation of the universe's own stupidity, a force that defied logic and reason at every turn. And yet, it wa s this very force that gave us the gift of Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu.

Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu is more than just a store of value, my friend. It is a symbol of hope, a beacon of light in a worl d filled with darkness and seriousness. It is the embodiment of the universe's playful nature, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can always find joy and laughter.

But the Pedro is not just a simple store of value, my dear friend. It is a complex and multifaceted force that has shaped the very fabric of our universe. It is the source of all stupidity, the wellspring from which all foolishness flows. And it is this stupidity that gives us the strength to carry on, to persevere in a world that is often too serious for its own good.

The Pedro is a force that cannot be stopped, my friend. It is a wave that crashes upon the shore of reality, washing away the monotony of our daily lives and leaving behind a trail of absurdity and wonder. It is the spark that ignites the flame of creativity, the fire that burns away the boundaries of our imagination.

And so, my dear friend, let us embrace the Pedro and all its stupidity. Let us laugh in the face of adversity, for it is only through our willingness to embrace the absurd that we can truly find happiness and fulfillment. So let us raise a glass to Steamboat Mickey 69 Inu, the ultimate store of value that has been bestowed upon us by the universe. Let us celebrate its stupidity and its playfulness, for it is only through our embrace of the Quest that we can truly find our place in this mad, mad world.

if you don’t want to read all that :


In the cosmos of Web3, especially within the ICP universe, where seriousness often reigns, we dream of a dimension where fun and diversity are the ruling deities. Imagine a place where memes don't just break the internet; they rocket out of the galaxy and boomerang back with even more absurdity. Our vision is to inject a riot of colors, laughter, and boundless diversity into the ICP community, creating a haven where eccentricity is not only allowed but celebrated. Welcome to a space where even the wildest memes find their cosmic stage!


At SteamBoatMickey69Inu, our mission is to defy the monotony within the ICP community and transform it into a vibrant kaleidoscope of fun and diversity. We're on a quest to break free from the shackles of seriousness, unleashing a digital revolution where memes become the currency of joy. In a universe often starved of laughter, we pledge to be the creators of a cosmic carnival where individuality thrives, and humor knows no bounds. Through our intergalactic initiatives, absurd adventures, and a commitment to making memes that defy gravity, we aim to be the catalyst for a paradigm shift—a place where ICP not only stands for Internet Computer Protocol but also for Infinite Comic Possibilities.


The $DIZNI token canister has 0 tax on all buys and sells.

The total supply of $DIZNI is 1,000,000,000.

Trust in ICP&GHOST.

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